""A Weake Talentless Thing Like You""

Call Me Crazy, But Sirius Might be Biased

I've noticed that a lot of people, when they're justifying a nasty portraya of young Peter, quote Sirius.
They point out that Sirius said that Peter only hung out with James and the others because he wanted beigger people to protect him. Sirius calls him weak and talentless, so Peter can't be that good a wizard; Sirius says Peter never did anything unless he could see what was in it for himself.

Now I don't dispute that Sirius said that, and maybe their was some degree of truth in it. I just don't think it was the complete truth about younger Peter either. One of the first things I leanred in history class is always look at the source of your information because their is no such thing as an unbiased source.
Well I think Sirius is extremely biased. Noww, not without good reasoning, certainly. Sirius has every right to hate Peter and want to see Peter dead, I'm just saying that he assessment of peter's personality, when Peter was in Hogwarts my not be right.

Sirius is enraged, mad to, literally, the point of murder. He is probably more disgusted with Peter than he can vocally express, and his view of Peter has been tainedted by over a decade of hatred. Therefore, when he says "You'd always liked big friends who'd look after you" implying that that was the only reason Peter acted as a friend, I'm inclined to look at it a bit skeptically.

Perhaps there is something to it. Maybe Peter was more likely to hide behind Sirius if he were being bullied than fight the bully away himself, but I highly doubt he was a sniveling sychophant.

I think it's important to keep in mind that Sirius likely does not see any good in Peter anymore, and probably has not thought about his friendship with Peter in a long time. He's been betrayed. If you've ever been betrayed by a friend you know there's a point where yous tart looking at everything they ever did in a negative light. Also, sirius is furious. When I get angry at someone, and I'm being irrational, I exagerrate every nagative personality trait I can think of, and tell them that's what they are.
That's not true. It's based on truth yes, but it's not true to the degree that I say it is. I think that's what Sirius is doing in the shrieking shack scene.
For those reasons, I find it annoying when people quote Sirius as thogh he were the gospel of Peter's character. That'd be JKR, not Sirius ^_^

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