Magical Labyrinth

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The Page of Past UPDATES

Most Recent Update: 8/11/07
1. 19 pictures added to the Harry Potter Gallery
2. The Haryy Potter Links Page was updated

1. 29 new pictures added to the Gallery in the Harry Poter fansite, Parchment Doodles

1. I added 19 new pictures to the Harry Potter Art Gallery on the Harry Potter fan page: Parchment Doodles
2. I re-instated the Doujinshi Scans Page. Sort of Anyway.
3. Art was added to the Fantasy Section (3), the Personal Section (3), the Misc. Section (12), The Harry Potter Section (9), and the Dark Tower Section (5)

1. Added a few new products to the VoH Products section
2. Added *loads* of manga scans from VoH
3. Fixed fanfic links!

1. Added lots of VoH product images to the VoH section
2. added new doujin scsn to the Doujinshi_Scans livejournal community (don't normally list this but because I did that today too, what the heck).

1. Added new Violinist of Hameln manga scans
2. Added new Violinist of Hameln anime/movie screen caps

1: Ninteen new pictures added to the fanart section of Parchment Doodles
2. four new pictures added to Magical Labyrinth. Updates:3/2/05

1: Site overhaul. Original Art section taken down and absorbed on to my new page. Fansites seperated out better.

1: Doujinshi sections removed due to webmisstress stress over doujinshi theft -_-

Updated: 11/08/04
1: six Harry Potter doujinshi scans sorta added, some rennovations begun on the doujinshi pages. Massive choas be there, but the links should mostly work, even if the thumbnails do not.

1: New look and new information added to Unfinished Concerto

1: Significant updating done to The Peter Archive
2: Art added to the Parchment Doodles as well as a drabble

All updates done to Unfinished Concerto
1)Added 8 new pictures to the fanart section.
2) Fixed broken links on the Doujinshi section Gypsy Queen is now visible.
3)Created new a new links page


Totally redesigned both the Unfinished Concerto (VoH) and Parchment Doodles (HP). Totally nuts now, thanks.

Content Updates:
1)Four new Harry Potter fanfics added
2) added 17 new pictures to The Harry Potter Fanart page


1) Two new doujinshi added to the Harry Potter Doujinshi section.
2) A brand new webpage has opened! Learn to Be A Shinsengumi Imon Peacemaker fansite.


1)Updated the Harry Potter Fanart with 11 new pictures
2)Updated My Original Art with 14 new pictures
3)Updated my fanart with 6 new pictures, including work for Yu Yu Hakusho, Books of Magic, Peacemaker, and X-men

1)I added Three new Harry Potter Doujinshi to the Harry Potter Doujinshi page
2)I updated the Peter Page with new guest art and some more PISA information.
3)I added some new fanart to my general fanart page over on Expanded Dreams.

1)Updated the Misc. Doujinshi with scans from some Gundam Wing doujinshi that I've had laying around.
2)Added 13 new pictures to the Harry potter Fanart section.
3)I added two new pictures to the Violinist of Hameln Fanart Page and two new pictures to the VoH Rpg Art page.
4)Updated the links page withs everal new links in the VoH and Harry Potter sections.


1)Updated the "Lets All Remember the W" site with new art and fanficiton
2)Added new doujinshi scans to the violinist of Hameln section and the Harry Potter section.
Yes, that's it

Jan - Feb 2003
I completely moved and reformatted my entire site. On top of that, there's even some new material besides just a new look and a new URL. I also went crazy.

Parchment Doodles (Harry Potter)
1) Added scans from the Doujinshi Langarian point
2)added 13 new fanart pictures

Unfinished Conerto (Violinist of Hameln)
1)three new fanart pieces, and one new RPG picture

Japanese Imports (doujinshi Scans)
1)Added Langarian point scans to the Harry Potter Section

1) Both Unfinished Concerto and Magical Labyrinth got their layout tweaked around a little bit.
2)I've started to spell check my pages ^^;;
3)I added two new links: Snark's Harry Potter Fanart page, and Nasubionna's HP Tribute.

Unfinished Concerto
1)Four new pieces of art where added to the Vohart section: a Clari/Lute (b&W), Lute(color), Lute (b&W), and Clari (color) 2)One new picture was added to the Voh RPGart page (Guitar and Trom)
3)One new story was added to the VoH Fanfiction page (Facing the Future part one)
4) Trom's page gets a whole new look, plus new content! There's fanart, DJ scans, and official art for him plus quotes and other wierdness.

Magical Labyrinth
1)Nine new Harry potter pictures were added 0.o: A lot just go look ^^;;
2)Three new pieces were added to the general fanart page (two x-men related,and one Books of Magic related)
3)Three new original art works were added of, Kurokam, Seeta, and Justin
4) Two Harry potter fanfics were added to the written wonders section, plus a new layout for that apge especially, as I brought over some other VoH fanfiction.
5) On the Harry Potter art site, you'll find my newest character shrine, that to Peter Pettigrew! Please check it out. I put lots of work into that one ^__^

Unfinished Concerto:
1) Violinist of Hameln Cosplay pictures added.
2) Two new pictures added to the VoH art section. One of Trom, and one of Lute.
3)Updated the links pages. I added Mala and Anna's site.
4)I _finally_ updated the about me page *L* It's actually current, sorta. You can see my room Whahahaah (oh yes that makes your day I'm sure)

Magical Labyrinth:
1)Two Doujinshi added, one Harry Potter, One Weib Krues, for a total of about 12 new scans
2)Harry Potter DJ scans donated by the wonderful Mala added for about 6 or so new scans
3)One new piece of Harry Potter fanart added

1)The front page and the Magical Labyrinth page got a slightly new look, now that I can use tables more or less! Hope it makes things a little easier, and a little nicer to look at. Magical Labyrinth also got a new banner. Thanks goes out to Rob for helping me html this.
2)I added two new original pieces to my art page. One if Jusitn and Jake, and one of Peter, both done in Photoshop
3)I added one new picture on my fanart page. it's of a Minkish Touma and Seiji done in Photoshop
4)ok, I've sorta added four new HP pic in the newly created Harry potter fanart section. Three however, were added between updates and have been there for 4 or so days. One is totally new.
5)I added banners on the links page for Magical LAbyrinth. One is a Peter Banner, One is a Justin banner, and one is a Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs Banner

1)added three new original art pieces
2) added three new fanart pieces, one X, one Samuria troopers, and one Harry Potter

1)four new pictures were added to the Vohart page
2)Dojinshi page updated with two new VoH Doujinshi
I think their are something like 10 scans from them both.
3)I created two banners for Unfinished Concerto

Violinist of Hameln Page Only
1)Four new pictures added in the VoHart section
2)One new picture added in the VoH Sketches section

Update 5/3/02
1)VoH Dojinshi are now back online!
2)one VoH picture of Trom and Coro added.

Update 5/2/02
Magical Labyrinth only
1)I added two Harry Potter pictures, One Samuria Trooper picutres, one Tokyo Babylon picutre, and one Mis picture to the fanart section
2)I added four new pictures to the original art section
3)I finally got the Dojinshi page back online! the VoH Dojinshi's still aren't up though.

1) I addedd four new pictures to the fanart section on magical labyrinth (all Harry Potter -_-;;)
2) I added one new picture to the RPGart page on Unfinished Conerto
3) I added three new original art pices on the original art page located on magical labyrinth

1)I deleted several pictures in the sketches section as well as an old RPG picture of Vocal and Flute. I just didn't like it. I also took down Caistarrin's pictures because he said he's getting his own space and I could if I wanted.
2) I ADDED (YAY!) 5 new pictures to the VoHart page. Two of Trom, One of Hamel and Flute, one of Lute and Clari, and one of Hell King Bass
3) I added 2 new pictures to the VoH Sketches page. One is a head shot of Hamel, the other is a quick sketch of Lute and Trom (on the same page not interacting)
4)three Harry Potter pics added, Two Samuria Troopers pics, and one Elvenbane picture
5)Eight new pics added to the original art page

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